• Graduate Advising

Graduate Advising

Academic advising takes place in the program/department with the advisor(s) and/or graduate coordinator/administrator.


For additional advising, students may come to the Office of Academic Services drop-in advising hours while terms are in session. This can be for general inquiries, wellness concerns, policy questions, and assistance navigating Penn offices or who to turn to for questions.


Fall/Spring term advising hours are as follows:
Mondays– 10:00am – 12:00pm(ET) virtual
Tuesdays– 10:00am – 12:00pm(ET) virtual
Wednesdays–  1:00-3:00pm(ET) in-person OAS Office, 109 Towne
Thursdays– 1:00-3:00pm(ET) virtual
Friday– No advising

Summer advising is held on Wednesdays from 10:00am-12:00pm(ET) virtually via zoom.


All graduate students receive the virtual advising link(s) and passwords via email multiple times each semester. Students should review their email for the links and details. If you are unable to attend office hours, additional advising may be available by appointment only. (Please email to request an appointment.) All drop-in advising sessions should be no longer than 15 minutes. If a more in depth issue or lengthy topic needs to be addressed, please email us and one of the advisors will get back to you about the issue and if an appointment for longer time is needed. We are accessible via email between 8am-5pm (ET) Monday-Friday during the semester as well.


Graduate Advisors:

Alyse Edwards, Director for Graduate Programs
Courtney Johnson, Graduate Academic Affairs Coordinator

Dr. Boon Thau Loo, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs,  can also be reached by appointment.



Not sure who to ask? Feel free to email the graduate advisors via the general email and one person will respond as soon as feasible within 2-3 business days.